Latour in Transition
Reactivation of the Beatrix Theater in Moengo
Strategies for Inclusive Change in Recife’s City Center
Ten Eekhovelei
Corporation-led urban development in Latour, Suriname
Culture as a catalyst
Girls designing their public space in Latour
Mi habi wan theater
The Central Market of Paramaribo
Valuing and sustainability of market culture
Climate change in Ricanau Mofo, Suriname
Coronie and its problematic water management
Covenant of Wood
Dusting off the Beatrix Theatre
From decline to defiance
From superblock Sant Antoni in Barcelona to superblock Santo Antônio Recife
Future plans for a child-friendly neighbourhood
How can green public spaces contribute to the revitalisation of Santo Antônio?
Leonardo Cisneiros occupation Recife
Living by and with the water
Occupations as drivers of inclusive urban regeneration
Road safety on the ‘Oost-Westverbinding’
The Central Market Paramaribo (1970), designed by Peter Jacobus Nagel
The 'Maakfabriek' creates a second chance for Moengo
The reactivation of the Central Market, Paramaribo
The socio-spatial revitalisation of the Central Market in Paramaribo.
The Totness Tourist
Transition of the Economic Vein in Coronie, Suriname
Win back the city
Peaceful, Free and Friendly
Urban tactics for bicycle mobility in Paramaribo
Opening up the planning landscape - 15 years of actor-relational approaches to spatial planning in Flanders, the Netherlands and beyond
Action Plan for Paramaribo
Billiton as a hinge
Blue-green networks in Paramaribo North
Caring for Tomorrow
Ilha Do Joaneiro
Ilha Do Joaneiro: mediating borders
A historical, contemporary and future study for a revitalization of the bauxite city
Chié as a centrality
Mariënburg Tourist Guide
Organising community-based renewal in the informal neighbourhood Chié
Reviving the community of Chié
Kampong Sawa
Moengo Tomorrow
The Angelina Monastery
The Markets of Managua
Casa Blanca
Kampong - Plan(t) the district!
Kampong - Under One Roof
Moengo, from declining mining town to vibrant heart for Marowijne
Moengo Hospital
History, access and protection of the kampong of Mariënburg
The revelation of Moengo
Water management as a catalyst for sustainable development in Mariënburg
A pluralistic lense on Managua
Casablanca Bidonvilles
Care for Frimangron
Development plan for Meerzorg